Time Trials / Time Attack

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FAQ - New To Time trials

Are novices allowed?

Yes, you are encouraged to come out! We will have coaches available for your first event to help guide you through the day and allow you to safely learn the track. Vehicles and drivers are paired into groups with similar experience and driving styles to keep everyone drivingly smoothly on the track.
To aid learning and driver focus, your first event will not be timed (you do not need to rent a transponder). Drivers are also grouped into similar lap time sessions allowing participants to drive at their own pace without feeling pressured to over-drive.

Is my car eligible?

If your vehicle has been well maintained and your brakes have been recently serviced, you are likely eligible to participate. Vehicles must not be roll-over prone (Eg. SUV's & most pick-up trucks). Please contact the event registrar if you have any questions.
Convertibles must meet SCCA Time Trials Safety and must be actively insured for road use if you do not have an aftermarket competition grade roll bar.

Do I need to modify my car to go faster?

Contrary to popular belief, seat time is one of the best ways to achieve a faster lap time. Second to that, a good set of tires, brakes, alignment, and cooling system will allow you to participate in more track events.

What are Time Trials?

Time Trials events are the combination of an Autocross event mixed with a Track / Lapping event. Drivers get the opportunity to drive around the track unobstructed and measure their best lap. Drivers work to improve both themselves and their vehicles as they can monitor their progress throughout the season.

Time trials format:

During timed sessions, a maximum of 7 vehicles are on track at any given time, allowing each driver the chance to drive without traffic. Drivers are staged in the grid from fastest to slowest and are released one at a time. Once on track you will have one warm-up lap, three complete timed laps, and one cool down lap. Limiting each session to 3 hot-laps reduces the peak temperatures seen by your car, which reduces overall costs. Depending on your car, tire and brake setup, most drivers will ease off during the middle lap, further minimizing vehicle temperatures, and focusing on driving that "perfect" lap.

While multiple cars may be on track at the same, passing is restricted to maximize participant safety. Passing is only permitted in designated zones and only if the driver in-front of you acknowledges and points you by.

Do I need vehicle numbers?

For the track marshall's and lap timing, you are required to have numbers on your car. Most first time participants will experiment with painters tape, however decals and magnetic backings can be purchased locally or through SGMC.

Do I need a special license?

No, you only need a valid BC drivers license and safe driving habits. SGMC will request this information prior to attending an event.

What safety gear is required?

We strongly recommend purchasing safety gear before upgrading any stock car. At minimum, you are required to have a rated helmet and a safe vehicle.

Helmets must be SA2010+ or M2010+. If using a M-rated helmet, a balaclava is required. Long-sleeve shirts and pants of a non-synthetic material are required to be covering the body from your neck to your wrists and ankles (for example, jeans and a cotton long sleeve shirt).

In addition, you must meet the SCCA Time Trials Safety Level for your competition class and vehicle.

Can I drive with a friend?

Before the event drivers are grouped into drivers heats based on their claimed lap time. If you would like to drive in the same heat as another friend, please enter the same anticipated lap time (please use the slower of the two lap times). Please email the registrar to confirm the same drivers heat is used.

Each driver must register individually. If two drivers would like to share one vehicle please contact the registrar as soon as possible.

Where can I find out more?

Our coaches have put together a document that will help you prepare for your first track day. Click the check list below to learn more.

A clipboard

Car Classes

Car classes help to group cars with similar performance together, which allows drivers to compare their lap times or driving strategies to similarly prepared vehicles.

Speedy Goat Motorsports Club will be using the SCCA Time Trials car classifications. A quick overview is shown below. If your specific car does not show up in their classing system, either you or SGMC can request a car classification from SCCA Time Trials.

Class overview:

There are four main vehicle classes:

  • Sport - daily-driven street cars with simple bolt-on modifications. (Eg. Wheels/tires or catback exhaust)
  • Tuner - daily-driven street cars with bolt-on modifications. (Eg. Coilovers, headers, boost controller)
  • Max - "Maximum" street cars. (Eg. engine swaps, aftermarket forced induction, or even aftermarket wings and bodywork)
  • Unlimited - Unlimited Category is for those production-based vehicles that are not street-going, are pure race cars, or are on DOT tires with less than 200 Treadwear or non-DOT racing tires. This is where you find tube frame race cars, giant wings, ground effects, stripped interiors and the fastest of the fast.

Sub classes:

Depending on what you have modified on your car, you will be placed into one of the four class categories. Within those categories, vehicles are grouped by their respective make and model into comparable sub classes.  A comprehensive class breakdown can be found at timetrials.scca.com

  • Sport 1 - Sport 6
  • Tuner 1 - Tuner 5
  • Max 1 - Max 5
  • Unlimited 1 & Unlimited 2

Some supercars like the 2006+ Porsche GT3 gets pushed straight into Max (because "This is certainly a dream car, and Max Category is the place for dream cars, whether it's the car you dream to build, or the car you dream to buy.").

Tire requirements:

SCCA classes Sport, Tuner, and Max require tires to have a treadwear of 200 or higher. For the 2021 Season, SGMC will be allowing any 100-199 treadwear tires that were manufactured in 2020 to be treated as a 200 treadwear equivalent. All tires in Sport, Tuner, and Max must be DOT.

Nitto NT01: For the purpose of this series, the Nitto NT01 tire will be considered a 200 treadwear street tire and is eligible for use with any manufactured build date.

In conjunction with our sponsor, NITTO TIRE, one set of BRAND NEW NITTO NT01 tires will be raffled off at the end of the season to any participant who is eligible for season points (participates in 51% of series events).

SCCA Time Trials Graphic
Link to SCCA Time Trials Classifications

how to win the series

How to win?

The driver with most points at the end of the season wins. Your points will be summed based on your best events during the series. The number of events used is based on the 51% rule. Any tie is awarded to the driver with the lowest summed time across the evaluated events. Example: Driver A best scores in events: 1, 2, 3, 4; Driver B best scored in events: 3, 4, 5, 6; Lap times from only events 3 and 4 will be compared; The fastest total time will be deemed the winner.

4 Event series - Best 3 events are used
5 Event series - Best 4 events are used
6 Event series - Best 4 events are used
7 Event series - Best 4 events are used
8 Event series - Best 5 events are used


1st Place - 10 points
2nd Place - 8 points
3rd Place - 6 points
4th Place - 5 points
5th Place - 4 points
6th Place - 3 points
7th Place - 2 points
8th Place - 1 point
DNF - 1 point

Knox Mountain Hill Climb

Knox Mountain Hill Climb is an annual hill climb based in Kelowna, BC. Speedy Goat Motorsports Club would like to encourage you to participate in their phenomenal event!

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